Winter 2020/21Poll:Session #1: One-on-One (One Way) Pre:FlowUniversal Human Needs/ValuesPost:SUNGAA One-on-One + Series Overview (Slides)SUNGAA One-Pager Cheat Sheet Session #2: Self Pre:FlowOptional: Internal SUNGAAPost:SUNGAA Internal Overview (Slides)SUNGAA Internal Worksheet/Mindmap Session #3: One-on-One (Both Ways) FlowOptional: Elements of Empathy Session #4: One-on-One (Both ways) FlowOptional: Observations, Feelings, Needs, Requests Session #5 & #6: CommunalFlowSUNGAA CommunalSUNGAA Communal x2- Tracking/Notes SheetSUNGAA Communal x3 - Tracking/Notes Sheet Session #7: Meetings Gradients of AgreementSociocracy Decision-Making (upper right)Mourn, Celebrate, Learn Session #8: Self-Assessment Matrix