HISD-PD Winter 2020/21Session 1 & 3: One-on-One (One Way) Universal Human Needs/ValuesSUNGAA One-on-One + Series Overview (Slides)SUNGAA One-Pager Cheat Sheet Session 2 & 4: One-on-One (Both Ways) Optional: Elements of Empathy Session #5: Observations vs. Judgements, Solutions Observations vs. Judgements and Needs vs. Strategies Session 6 & 7: Communal and Agreements SUNGAA CommunalSUNGAA Communal x2- Tracking/Notes SheetSUNGAA Communal x3 - Tracking/Notes SheetSession 7 FlowSession #8: Self Optional: Internal SUNGAASUNGAA Internal Overview (Slides)SUNGAA Internal Worksheet/Mindmap Session 9: Session 10: